Monday, August 16, 2010


We enjoyed a cornboil & tour at the Glider Airport where Connor works at on the weekends!

Working there has been an amazing experience & opportunity for return of his hours, he gets free flight instruction!
He will receive his small engine pilot's license by next summer! How cool is that!

Connor also treated Michael to a 20 minute ride!  He said it was such an exhilerating experience! You wouldn't catch me up there without an engine!!!!!!

Thanks for checkin out all my "Bolognie"!


Suzanne said...

Very cool Joanie! And never say never, I never thought I'd go parasailing, but I'm guessing it's the same sensation as gliding, very peaceful!

Julia said...

I go along with Suzanne, never say never. I went up in one many years ago and it was fantastic!